Australia's National Forestry Day

Friday 23 Aug 2024

Australia's National Forestry Day on 20 August 2024, saw several releases highlighting efforts and developments in the country's forestry sector. These updates emphasise the ongoing importance of forests to Australia's environment and economy.

Australian Forest Products Association

Today is National Forestry Day – a time to celebrate the importance of Australia’s forest industries and the benefits they provide for our country and the rest of the world! Without forestry, timber, wood-fibre – the jobs and products they create – and the communities they support – Australia would be poorer and our lives harder.

The 2024 National Forestry Day theme is Celebrating Nature’s Carbon Store. As trees grow, they absorb carbon from the atmosphere. When those trees are sustainably harvested, the timber and fibre is made into essential everyday items.

Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) Chief Executive Officer, Diana Hallam said, "Today is a day to celebrate why Australia’s forest industries are so important for our lives and I commend everyone across the sector for marking National Forestry Day in their own way!

"Timber and fibre products are visible in almost every facet of our lives – if people look around for just a few minutes they are likely to spot several timber and fibre products, from hardwood flooring and kitchen benches to the desk at work or dining table and backyard deck at home, not to mention books and tissues. "

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Source: Australian Forest Products Association

Australian Forest Contractors Association

National Forestry Day is a chance to celebrate Australia’s renewable forest industries and the thousands of people who manage, protect, sustainably harvest and regenerate our working forests. Australian Forest Contractors Association General Manager Tim Lester said forestry is a ‘yes and’ industry that promotes sustainable land management, thriving rural and regional communities and renewable resources for essential everyday items.

“This year’s National Forestry Day theme is Celebrating Nature’s Carbon Store. This is a great reminder that trees are the best, most efficient and only commercially-viable technology at scale to take carbon from the atmosphere and sequester it into stable and useful forms,” Mr Lester said. “Australia’s working forests for softwood and hardwood are well regulated and well managed. Our forest contracting businesses and workforce are highly skilled and experienced, providing a vital link in the supply chain.

“We should all be rightly proud of this amazing industry that provides so many benefits and that touches the lives of every one of us every single day.

Source: Australian Forest Contractors Association

Forestry Corporation of NSW

NSW’s forest sector is this week celebrating timber - the ultimate renewable product. Tuesday, August 20 marks National Forestry Day recognising Australia’s forest sector while celebrating the natural advantages of wood and the contribution timber makes to reducing the effects of climate change.

Timeless in its building appeal and universal in its application, timber produced from our sustainably managed forests is a strong pillar of the national economy driving employment.

Forestry Corporation Chief Executive Officer Anshul Chaudhary said forests also store carbon from the atmosphere for life and create the essential and sustainable products Australians love, need and use every day. “In producing sustainable timber products, forests are nature’s carbon store meaning the forestry sector is hugely important as a climate change solution,” Mr Chaudhary said.

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Source & image credit: Forestry Corporation of NSW

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