NZ Emissions Reduction Plan - targets slipping

Friday 19 Jul 2024

NZ's Climate Change Minister, Simon Watts, released the Government’s draft Emissions Reduction Plan on Wednesday. This follows the release, last week, of the Government's climate change strategy. 

The Government is no longer on track to meet its third emissions budget, according to projections released with its draft Emissions Reduction Plan. Significantly more work is needed to meet New Zealand’s Paris commitments, which will likely result in billions of dollars being sent offshore to pay for international climate mitigation.

Projections published at the end of 2023 based on policies from the last Government, showed the country hitting its first three emissions budgets. Under new projections published today, which incorporate decisions the new Government has made to bin a host of Labour-era policies like decarbonising heavy industry and subsidies for EVs, the government will sail 17 Mt CO2-e above that third budget, which runs from 2031–35.

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Source: The New Zealand Herald

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