Latest Australian forest and wood products statistics

Friday 19 Jul 2024

ABARES has released the latest Australian forest and wood products statistics (AFWPS), which is a collection of data on key indicators of activity in the Australian forest and wood products sector for 2022-23.

The data covers the value and volume of logs harvested, the performance of the wood product manufacturing sector, changes in Australia’s commercial plantation estate, forest sector  employment, data on new housing commencements and the trade of wood products.

In 2022-23, the volume of logs harvested in Australia fell by 3.9% compared to 2021-22. Average unit values (prices) increased significantly over the same period, resulting in the nominal gross value of production (GVP) of logs harvested increasing by nearly 7% to $2.44 billion (AUD) in 2022-23.

However, much of the increase in unit prices has been driven by recent high levels of inflation across the economy. Inflation stood at 7% in 2022-23 as measured by the consumer price index, resulting in the real (adjusted for inflation) value of logs harvested being stable in 2022-23 compared to 2021-22.

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Source: ABARES

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