2024 Red Dot Award for innovative planting machine

Friday 16 Aug 2024

Swedish forestry cooperative Sodra is developing a precision-based machine, BraSatt, to accelerate innovation in planting, increase plant survival and forest growth.

Södra continuously develops innovations that benefit forest operations, but uniquely for this project, they have also developed their own technology. With BraSatt, Södra aims to accelerate innovation in planting, as it contributes to significant improvements for forestry by increasing plant survival and forest growth.

"We have created unique technology for both ground preparation and planting. Through constructive dialogue and an open mind, together with a group of experts, we have quickly moved from concept ideas to showing a prototype in the field. With our investment, rejuvenation technology takes a significant step forward. Going forward, we would like to find more partners to take the next step," says Anna Wallner, project manager for BraSatt at Södra.

For a more sustainable solution to planting, the consortium has designed a precision-based machine with a focus on user experience to guide the project to ensure that the technology is well received by forest owners. The machine's unique design also reflects the advanced technology inside. With the help of AI and sensors, the machine handles different conditions consistently and efficiently with high precision. Each seedling is planted with exact coordinates, building a knowledge bank for the future.

"Our design philosophy was that the machine should convey the same calm and confidence as a colleague in the field. Predictability is crucial when it comes to automation. Therefore, the machine has a calm and responsive design language, while its diagonal cuts give a clear direction. We have ensured that the operator can easily guide and plan the robot's work with a route planner and an intuitive interface, creating a reliable companion in the forest," says David Lamm, Creative Director at Boid.

BraSatt was showcased at the international forestry fair IUFRO on 23-29 June 2024, at Stockholmsmässan, Sweden.

In addition, Anna Wallner, Project Manager for BraSatt at Södra, will be updating foresters across Australasia on progress and trial results from this autonomous planting machine as part of the of the ForestTECH 2024 series running in Rotorua, New Zealand on the 20-21 November event and 26-27 November 2024 in Melbourne, Australia the week after. Programme and event details can be found on the ForestTECH 2024 website.

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