Farming to remain outside NZ’s ETS

Friday 14 Jun 2024

Expert Reaction

The NZ coalition government has announced greenhouse gases from agriculture will not be covered in the country’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) next year. Cabinet is also disestablishing primary sector climate action partnership He Waka Eke Noa from today, and will instead develop a new “Pasture Sector Group”. The announcement also included further investment in technologies to lower on-farm emissions.

The SMC asked experts to comment on the news.

Dr Sebastian Gehricke, Director, Climate and Energy Finance Group; Senior Lecturer, Finance, University of Otago, Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, comments: “Agriculture, making up about half of our national emissions, has never been included in the ETS, so this is really just a stop in plans to price agricultural emissions. These were meant to be priced in their own scheme or enter the ETS by 2025. Really what is happening now is just avoiding the pricing of these emissions.

“The National Party has previously stated that the ETS is their single policy tool to fight climate change, yet they are not enabling it to be that tool, by fixing the issues in the ETS. Further, if half our emissions remain outside of the ETS and are not priced, how can this tool impact those emissions at all?

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Source: Science Media Centre

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