Timber framed 91.1% of approved houses in Victoria

Friday 14 Jun 2024

Timber framing accounted for 91.1% of all framing in houses approved in Victoria over the year-ended April 2024. The latest analysis of the most comprehensive data available in any Australian jurisdiction shows 30.972 house approvals included timber framing, with ‘no information’ coming in second (4.4%) and steel framing third (3.7%). Over the same period, timber also framed 83.8% of townhouses and an aggregate 89.5% of all dwellings approved in Victoria, including apartments.

IndustryEdge has laboriously reassembled the massive dataset available for Victoria, cleansing the entire data series back to 2009, to inform subscribers and clients of the trends in building materials use in the State’s dwellings. The data is updated monthly in the IndustryEdge database and a range of datasets are being provided to clients interested in timber framing, roofing materials, flooring materials, cladding types and other relevant features.

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Source: IndustryEdge

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