Harvesting Micro Innovation Challenge 2024

Friday 31 May 2024

Fresh off the success of the last Micro Innovation Programme, Forest Growers Research (FGR) and Micro Innovation have launched the new Harvesting Micro Innovation Challenge 2024. Workers and crews can submit their innovative ideas to improve harvesting operations and be in to win NZ$10,000.

Our forestry crews are critical to successful harvesting operations. We want to support the great work you are doing by helping you turn your ideas that could improve your work into reality.

The Harvesting Micro Innovation Challenge is a chance to win NZ$10,000 to help you build a working prototype of your concept. This initiative is special in that it gives you (and us) the opportunity to make changes that are often just talked about.

The Challenge will be Live from 12pm Friday 10 May 2024, finishing Friday 5 July 2024 at 5pm, giving you a full 8-weeks to register your idea(s).

Your idea will be a technical or engineering solution that makes your work/tasks easier or more efficient. It could be a new tool, an improvement to an old tool, a different way of doing something, or a novel use of available technology… The only limit is your imagination!

Your idea doesn’t need to be fully formed, but an indication of build costs and timeframe is beneficial. If you have built your prototype already – it still counts! There’s no limit to how many ideas you can submit.

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Source and image credit: FGR / Micro Innovation

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