An update on NZ's new forestry regulations

Friday 24 May 2024

New resources now available to help councils and foresters implement new regulations under the New Zealand National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF). An addendum to the NES-PF user guide provides guidance on the changes to the regulations that came into effect on 3 November 2023 as the National Environmental Standards for Commercial Forestry (NES-CF).

This guidance does not replace the existing NES-PF user guide and should be read along with that guide.

The addendum will be updated to include the remaining regulatory changes contained in the NES-CF. Once the addendum has been finalised, it will be incorporated into the NES-PF user guide and published as a new user guide document.

The NES-PF user guide and the addendum to the user guide are available on the Ministry for Primary Industries website. If you have any queries regarding guidance on the NES-CF, please send these to Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service.

Source: Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service

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