Prue Younger retiring as FICA CEO

Friday 10 Nov 2023

After six years at the helm, Forest Industry Contractors Association CEO Prue Younger will retire from her role on 31 March 2024.

During her time as FICA’s CEO, Prue has led the organisation through both prosperous and challenging periods for forestry contractors, including the pandemic and significant log market downturns, as well as some highlights like the 2022 FICA Fast and Forward Forestry Expo bringing together various parts of the industry with forestry front and centre.

FICA Chair Nick Tombleson says Prue has done a great job at the helm. “Over the past six years Prue has done extensive work developing FICA as an organisation, including raising the profile of FICA within the industry and getting contractors a ‘seat at the table’ on issues that affect them,” says Nick.

“Prue has been the key driver on some really important industry projects like the Yarder Tower Inspector Programme refresh, the Hauler Guarding TAG, the Immigration Class Exception for Forestry Work and more recently the drive to collaboratively create a Pan Sector Group which will be a game changer for the industry. Her drive and hard work have meant we have more of a voice now.”

“I have totally enjoyed my time with FICA and have worked on some projects I’m very proud of. The decision to retire wasn’t easy for me to make, but the role has been a full-on one and it’s time for me to take a step back and enjoy more of a balance between work and life,” says Prue.

“While I will miss the people and the fabulous relationships built across the industry, I’m also looking forward to being able to move to a more flexible life ahead. I look forward to seeing where FICA goes from here as it also takes on a progressive stage forward.” FICA will be recruiting for a new CEO in the coming weeks.

Source: FICA

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