Clarence Valley protesting end of native timber logging

Friday 27 Oct 2023

More than 100 protesters have rallied in Maclean, on the NSW north coast, as a local council considers a call to phase out native forest logging on public land. Mills across the region shut down to allow owners, staff, and supporters to voice their concerns about a report from the Clarence Valley Council's biodiversity advisory committee.

The report called for the council to write to the NSW government demanding the urgent development of a transition plan that would see native timber harvesting in state-owned forests move towards a sustainable plantation- based industry.

The proposal first came before the Clarence Valley Council in late June when it was deferred to allow public feedback. It attracted 2,464 public submissions with 2,358 supporting the timber industry, although the vast majority of those came in the form of template letters.

After an hour of public speeches and debate, the councillors voted overwhelmingly against the motion, eight votes to one, to applause from the packed public gallery. They then voted in support of an alternate motion that recognised the importance of the logging industry to the local economy and agreed to take no further action.

“Timber workers do matter. Clarence Valley Council needs to support them,” said councillor Ian Tiley, who put forward the alternate motion. “Timber workers do matter. Clarence Valley Council needs to support them,” said councillor Ian Tiley, who put forward the alternate motion.

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Source: ABC News

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