Forestry Australia releases new Position Statements

Friday 27 Oct 2023

Forestry Australia has released three new and highly topical Position Statements to share its evidence-based positions on important issues relating to the management of forests across Australia. The Statements cover Conservation of Threatened Species, Forest Carbon Markets and Thinning of Native Forests and are designed to be accessible to all.

Forestry Australia President Dr Michelle Freeman said evidence was critical to inform decision making and to provide balance to debates around the management of Australia’s forests. “Now more than ever we need to ensure that there is evidence-based and balanced information readily available, given we live in an era of information overload, misinformation and disinformation,” Dr Freeman said.

“Forestry Australia’s Position Statements are designed to do just that - to cut to the chase, and provide clear information based on science, world’s best practice and evidence-based research. “We want to ensure that when policy makers, the media and wider community discuss, debate and decide on issues that affect future forest management, that they have these easy-to-read Statements at hand.

“At the recent very successful ANZIF conference, Forestry Australia released the three new Position Statements, which takes our total released to date to eight. “Each two-page Position Statement explains the context for the specific topic and presents Forestry Australia’s position, with supporting information.

The Position Statements can be found on the Forestry Australia website or here:

- Conservation of threatened species. There is ongoing biodiversity decline occurring across Australia, including in forests. This Statement addresses threats of extinction, the gross underfunding of conservation, and the need for active and adaptive management.

- Forest Carbon Markets. Globally, and across Australia, forests are an important carbon sink, and when appropriately protected and sustainably managed, can absorb more carbon than is emitted from a range of forest management activities. This Statement addresses the importance of well managed forests for climate and carbon benefits, and the role and requirements for carbon markets to help realise these.

- Thinning of Native Forests. Forest thinning is a silvicultural practice whereby a selective portion of trees are removed across a site to reduce competition for water and nutrients. This Statement addresses the benefits of thinning for forest health and resilience, managing fire risk, wildlife habitat, water yields, and achieving cultural objectives.

Source: Forestry Australia

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