Concern for Gippsland Ash forests

Friday 27 Oct 2023

Victoria's Ash forests are on the brink of ecosystem collapse following a poor flowering season and repeated fire events, alerting the state’s leading forest flowering and seeding expert.

Seed collection services are currently provided by VicForests and may be lost following the native timber sector shutdown.

“What this means for Victoria’s Ash forests is that they are at serious risk of ecosystem collapse, because they will not have the capacity to naturally regenerate themselves come the next fire season,” said Ecologist Owen Bassett.

“In addition, there is at least 143,000ha of fire-killed forest which is now regenerating, but extremely vulnerable to another fire event. If it burns it will be lost forever because it doesn’t have the ability to reseed itself and we just don’t have the seed to resow it,” said Mr Bassett.

Forestry Australia president, Dr Michelle Freeman said that the closure of native forest management and harvesting activities has increased the risk. “In the face of these threats, active forest management is vital to build resilience against catastrophic fire and restore and maintain forest ecosystems,” Dr Freeman said. 

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Source: Gippsland Times
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