ForestTECH 2023 extra workshops

Friday 13 Oct 2023

ForestTECH, it’s this region’s most popular annual independent forestry technology series. In addition to advances being made in remote sensing and forest inventory, like recent ForestTECH events, sessions this year have been set up on the very latest developments and learnings from forest establishment, mechanised planting and silvicultural operational trials and commercial operations.

In addition to meeting up in person in both Rotorua, New Zealand and Melbourne. Australia, virtual on-line links from the New Zealand event have also been set up for those outside Australasia who’ll be unable to travel to attend in person.

In the past few years, delegates from well over 20 different countries have linked into the annual end of year ForestTECH event. Connecting remotely will again ensure international delegates, who now are such an integral part of the wider ForestTECH community, can actively be involved again this year.

As well as the conference and trade exhibitions running in both Rotorua, New Zealand on 14-15 November and Melbourne, Australia on 21-22 November, a series of pre-and post-conference workshops have been set up for this year’s ForestTECH 2023 delegates. All are free to registered delegates. These include;

Monday 13 November. Remote Sensing Cluster Group Meeting. Industry application of remote sensing methodologies and reports around how well these methods are being integrated into industry settings.

Tuesday 14 November. Advances in forest management planning and operations efficiency. The latest developments in CFForest, a spatially-enabled operations management system developed for forest owners.

Wednesday 15 November. The Tools for Foresters workshop will look deeper into SOP’s developed for UAV data capture by three students. Scion and Eagle Technology will also be hosting an interactive session within the workshop on using the ESRI deep learning toolset within ArcGIS Pro.

Tuesday 21 November. ProFert (a model designed to enable forest managers to identify the most responsive plantations to fertilise and the most profitable combination, rates and timing of fertilisers to apply through the entire rotation) and APSIM (a process-based modelling framework that’s been developed for assessing yield gaps and the effects of climate change on eucalypt and pine plantation productivity in Australia, along with management impacts on water use and carbon sequestration) tools for optimizing fertiliser use and profitability in plantations.

Wednesday 22 November. The latest developments in CFForest, a spatially-enabled operations management system developed for forest owners.

Full details on the planned ForestTECH 2023 Workshops can be viewed here

Note: Discounted early-bird registrations to attend this year’s series finish on Friday 13 October – TODAY.

Registrations can be made directly on the ForestTECH 2023 website

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