Input into emissions benefits of harvested wood products

Friday 18 Aug 2023

Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service is exploring policy options to recognise the delayed emissions benefit of long-lived harvested wood products. Stakeholders can contribute to the project at one of two workshops planned for early September.

The project progresses one of the actions in Te Ara Whakahou – Ahumahi Ngahere: The Forestry and Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP), launched in November 2022. Action 9.3 of the ITP calls for an investigation into options to recognise the delayed emissions from long-lived harvested wood products like engineered construction lumber, plywood, and panels.

Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service has commenced a project to engage a wide range of stakeholders to develop regulatory and non-regulatory options to encourage greater domestic production and use of long-lived harvested wood products. An analysis of these options will then be used to inform the development of potential government policies in the future.

MartinJenkins will be facilitating two online workshops where stakeholders may share their ideas and their feedback to potential options. If you would like to attend one of the workshops, please register online using the links provided below. Pre-registration is required.

• Workshop 1: Friday 1 September 9:30am to 11:30am; pre-register here>

• Workshop 2: Tuesday 5 September 2:00pm to 4:00pm; pre-register here

If you have questions about the workshops or the project overall, please email Steve Struthers at MartinJenkins (

Source: Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service

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