Tightening of forest harvesting rules being pushed

Friday 14 Apr 2023

New Zealand’s Environmental Defence Society and Pure Advantage have filed a joint submission to the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use practices in Tairāwhiti and have called for sweeping changes to the regulations governing plantation forestry in New Zealand.

“EDS published a report in 2019 that recommended changes to the National Environmental Standards on Plantation Forestry (NESPF) to reduce the ongoing damage to the environment from slash and sediment,” said EDS CEO Gary Taylor.

“Those changes were not acted on, largely because of the pervasive influence of the forest companies on government agencies.

“In our submission to the Ministerial Inquiry filed this week, we pointed out that the repetitive damage from poorly regulated forestry operations is a national problem and warrants a fundamental shift in where we plant, what we plant and how we harvest. We have also called for significant changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) which are providing perverse incentives given the need to reduce gross emissions,” Mr Taylor said.

The Executive Director of Pure Advantage, Simon Millar, said that the lesson from Gabrielle is that we need to work more closely with nature.

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The full submission is available here.

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