Durable eucalypt growers & processors visit NZ

Friday 21 Apr 2023

A group of 12 Australian eucalypt growers and processors from the eastern seaboard of Australia visited Canterbury and Marlborough between March 20th-24th 2023. The Australians, who comprise the Australian Durable Eucalypt Growers Forum, were hosted by New Zealand’s top durable eucalypt research and development specialists and visited a range of sites in Canterbury and Marlborough over four days.

Leading the tour was Marco Lausberg, Programme Manager of Forest Growers Research Specialty Wood Products Research Partnership (SWP). In previous years Marco has joined tours hosted by the Australians in Australia. Marco was assisted by Paul Millen, Manager of NZ Dryland Forests Innovation (NZDFI) and by North Canterbury farm forester and eucalypt expert Gary Fleming, Chair of the NZ Farm Forestry Association Eucalypt Action Group.

The group visited the University of Canterbury School of Forestry, home of NZDFI’s wood quality research team, where academics and post-graduate students described current durable eucalypt research projects. From there, the group gradually made their way north to Blenheim over two days, stopping off at a specialist eucalypt processor near Sefton, and several NZDFI trial sites as well as Proseed NZ in Amberley. Proseed NZ is Australasia’s biggest tree seed producer, is a founding partner of NZ Dryland Forests Innovation, and has invested heavily in durable eucalypt seed production and clonal propagation trials.

Kaara Shaw, a forester from South Queensland, was impressed with what she saw:

“For several years now, we have been hearing about the extensive durable eucalypt breeding work that is being undertaken by NZDFI across New Zealand. To see the trials and laboratory work first hand, and to hear from those passionate people who are leading the charge on the ground, was both humbling and inspiring. The work that NZDFI are doing will be the foundation of a successful durable hardwood plantation industry in New Zealand. We can only wish for the same level of foresight and support from the Australian Government, for our own plantation development activities across The Ditch.”

The visitors met landowners who host NZDFI on-farm trials in both North Canterbury and South Marlborough, and saw a range of NZDFI’s trial species on different site types and at different ages. Some of the sites include breeding populations of trees, now producing seed which is being collected to produce a first generation of genetically superior planting stock for growers.

The final day of the tour was based in and around Blenheim, with a morning workshop/forum at the Marlborough Research Centre (MRC). The MRC is another founding partner and long-time supporter of the NZDFI. Gerald Hope, CEO of the MRC, recognised early on the potential for a durable eucalypt industry in Marlborough to produce naturally durable posts for the vineyard sector, reducing the sector’s dependence on copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA)-treated posts.

Following the workshop, the group visited Stembridge Vineyard, where owner Max Gifford installed a trial of durable eucalypt posts over 12 years ago, and where the posts are performing very well. The Australians were particularly impressed with the strategic vision of NZDFI’s durable eucalypt breeding programme, and the way that government and industry support for the programme has been obtained.

The tour was made possible through the support of the key sponsors: Forest Growers Research – FGR, Specialty Wood Products Research Partnership – SWP, NZ Dryland Forests Innovation – NZDFI, Marlborough Research Centre Trust – MRC, Proseed NZ and the University of Canterbury – UoC. Also the landowners that host NZDFI trials and whose properties are being visited on the tour.

The Australian visitors include representatives of the following organisations: Super Forest Plantations, Heartwood Plantations, Radial Timbers, Hurfords, Ironwood Australia, Forest Land Management, and Wood4Good.

Photo: Associate Professor Clemens Altaner, from the University of Canterbury School of Forestry and head of NZDFI’s Science Team, discusses assessment of wood properties at the Avery trial site, in this case in Eucalyptus globoidea.

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