Mobile log scaling innovation at Tauranga

Friday 17 Mar 2023

ISO Limited is readying another significant technology investment, at the Port of Tauranga. The Mobile Log Scaler is a semi-autonomous robot which will image and scale logs, on rail wagons. The investment, designed and built in collaboration with RoboticsPlus, is a step change in how logs on rail are measured and managed.

Utilizing the same image processing technologies as ISO’s fixed Robotic Scaling Machines, the mobile unit will traverse a rake of rail wagons, determine the optimal imaging position and image the log face, all without operator intervention. The operator’s only job is to line the Robot up, and push ‘Start’. The Robot will stop automatically when the last wagon in the rake is processed. The link below shows the machine in operation, during trials.

ISO as part of the upcoming Wood Transport & Logistics 2023 event will be presenting on this new technology, along with a number of other presentations from companies involved in rolling out and using new log measurement and scaling technologies. Details on the programme for the 24-25 May event along with registrations can be found on the event website,

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