NZ School of Forestry turns 50!

Friday 3 Mar 2023

The NZ School of Forestry, Te Kura Ngahere, will hold a celebration mid-April for its 50th anniversary (the actual anniversary was back in 2020, but the event fell victim to the early days of COVID!). “It is an exciting milestone for us, we have produced many quality graduates and completed a lot of great research work” says Prof Bruce Manley, who has been the Head of the School for 18 years.

Over the last 50 years the school has seen more than 1300 undergraduates through our doors, as well as 337 graduate students. Thirty years ago, the Forest Engineering degree was added to the program, and 175 engineers have graduated to support our NZ forest industry. We can boast NZ sports representatives, Members of Parliament, leaders in the forest industry and graduates who have ventured further afield, and those who have returned “home” to teach the next generation. We also have a second generation of our graduates joining us which is a great affirmation of the programmes we deliver.

With 30+ years as the School’s administrator, Jeanette Allen will be looking forward to seeing our alumni back for the Celebration. Jeanette will be fondly remembered by many of our graduates notes Prof Manley, “she not only looks after the School, but also after the students as they transition through their degree”. Jeanette is not the only ‘long-timer’, with the School benefiting from having a very stable teaching workforce. For example, famous-for-all-things silviculture, Prof Euan Mason has served 30 years, and recently retired ecology Prof David Norton taught for 37 years.

The Celebration event itself will take place over three days (12-14th April). It starts with an ice-breaker the evening of the 12th and is followed by two days that includes presentations, a tour of the School, as well as a field trip to a native restoration project on Port Hills and a visit to C3/Port of Lyttleton. With Justin Morgenroth and Rien Visser rounding out the main organisation team, the Student Union (Haere-roa) venue conveniently has the student pub right next door. “We are making sure there is plenty of opportunity for old class-mates to catch up, and even skip the odd ‘lecture’ as they may have done in during their Uni days” says Visser.

“We have been an integral part of forestry as a whole here in New Zealand and beyond, and as such we welcome all people who have a connection to the School to come and celebrate with us, not just our graduates” says Prof. Manley. More information is available on their website. Registrations close on 13th March.

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