Jetson ONE - World's first EVTOL work trip

Friday 29 Jul 2022

At the end of last year, we covered a story from Jetson (for those old enough you’ll remember well from your childhood those cartoons in the 1960’s that crossed our screens, the Jetsons), a Swedish company with a mission of making the skies available for everyone with their safe personal electric aerial vehicles. They were flying the vehicle through the forest. It looked unreal.

After months of rigorous trials and testing, the World’s first EVTOL (an eVTOL aircraft is one that uses electric power to hover, take off, and land vertically) commute has been completed. On 21 May 2022 the co-founder and Jetson ONE inventor Tomasz Patan flew from home to work. This reduced his commute time by an impressive 88%. A momentous occasion for the emerging EVTOL sector. Check it out in the video below.

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