Mental wellbeing resources from Safetree

Friday 7 Oct 2022

Safetree has some forestry-friendly resources to support good mental wellbeing:

Where to get help: Contact details for organisations that can help if people are struggling

Tailgate health cards: Simple fact sheets covering key health issues including depression

Fatigued or Fit for Work: Information on how to identify and prevent fatigue

Vitae Services: Access to discounted counselling for people in forestry

Forestry's top wellbeing risks: See a list of the biggest physical and mental wellbeing risks in forestry

• See what's happening for Mental Health Awareness Week

Featured Safetree Certified Contractor: Tony Brand

Forestry is full of family businesses. In this video, NZ contractor Tony Brand talks about his Canterbury-based business, where his wife, daughter, son-in-law, and two sons also work. Tony describes how he's tried to build a safe, professional operation, that's a good place to work for his family and everyone he employs. What about your workplace? Would you be happy for your family to work there?

Source: Safetree

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