Forest Safety Code for Tasmania amended

Friday 26 Feb 2021

The health and safety team at PF Olsen Australia were contracted in February 2020 to conduct a review and prepare an Exposure Draft of amended Forest Safety Code for Tasmania. It has just been released. They were ably assisted by Bryan Bottomley.

The Code uses material from Safe Work Australia, NZ Forest Industry Safety Council and information supplied by machinery sellers and other industry participants. It addresses emerging issues like winch- assisted harvesting, drone and ATV use. The unique regulatory environment for forestry in Tasmania is also reflected.

Over the past 12 months the industry has participated in a very detailed review and the final version of the Exposure Draft was prepared following three facilitated workshops in November located in Burnie, Launceston, and Hobart for which 90 people registered and 77 attended. The recommended amendments in the Exposure Draft are necessary to remove obsolete provisions, reflect modern practices, and to be accurate and useful.

It is the view of the Tasmanian forest industry that the document should maintain its status as a Code of Practice so that the safety of Tasmanian forest workers is given the same level of protection under the WHS Act as the forests in which they work through the Forest Practices Code.

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