Input requested to forest inventory metrics survey

Friday 26 Feb 2021

Invitation for a short survey for academic research surrounding forest inventory metrics and capture.

RMIT University, located in Melbourne Australia, is currently conducting a short, anonymous survey surrounding the current requirements and challenges associated with the collection of forest inventory and the opportunities that low-cost 3D imaging technologies may present.

It is hoped that this survey will be able to provide insight into the different collection methodologies associated with forest inventory in different stand conditions and management types as well as rating the importance of different metrics and the maximum possible error associated with a measurement for it to still be considered reliable.

This information will contribute to the development of a 3D imaging sensor assessment framework for consumer grade low-cost technologies. If anyone else is interested in contributing to this research you can forward this project description/link on or forward your contact details through to (James’s University email address).

The survey can be found at the following link.

Further information surrounding this project, your role and rights as a participant and how the survey results will be used can be found here.

Source: James McGlade, RMIT PhD Student

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